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2014 Baker Act Manual cover

Florida 2014 Baker Act



This document is 496 pages and includes an overview of the Baker Act and many issues related to the Baker Act. Included are pages with the Baker Act (F.S. 395) and its administrative rule (F.A.C. 65.E.5), as well as sections on a) Baker Act and related laws, b) voluntary admissions, c) express and informed consent, d) consent for admission and treatment of minors, e) Baker Act and long-term care facilities licensed under Chapter 200 and 429, f) involuntary examination, g) law enforcement and the Baker Act, h) Baker Act and emergency medical conditions, i) orders for emergency treatment including restraint and seclusion, j) involuntary inpatient placement, k) involuntary outpatient placement, l) qualifications of professionals and others to perform Baker Act related functions, m) Baker Act notices, n) Marchman Act history and overview, o) Baker Act/Marchman Act comparison, p) resources, and ) resources for military service members and veterans.

Additional Information

Weight 3 lbs
Dimensions 9.5 x 11 x 1.25 in

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